Den fre 25 feb. 2022 kl 13:56 skrev Eric S Fraga <>:

> On Friday, 25 Feb 2022 at 08:50, Henrik Frisk wrote:
> > The only thing I can't seem to sort out is to change the style of the
> > citation. Regardless where I do it I get the error "Wrong type
> > argument: org-cite-processor,"
> It would help if you could post a minimal example.
> Of course, I should have done it right away. This is related to

If I click on a reference, say [cite/t:@Smith2022] I get a hydra menu in
which I can choose 's: Change style'. Choosing that generates a 'Wrong type
argument: org-cite-processor,' message. Same if I do C-u C-c \ to insert a
new refernce and choose style.

> > Another question: if I would like to export to LaTeX but with citation
> > commands rather than formated citations, would that be possible? I am
> > sorry if I'm missing something obviuos.
> Yes, definitely possible.  I have the following:
> #+cite_export: bibtex plain
> Excellent, that was what I was looking for. Thanks!


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