Thanks for raising this issues.

Ihor Radchenko <> writes:

> Fair point. Paypal requires non-free javascript. Github as well,

I've removed the GitHub Sponsors and Paypal links from

I've not removed the link to I suppose it is
usable without requiring non-free Javascript, but I've not checked.
If someone wants to check, that'd be appreciated.

I've not removed every links to on e.g. the
link to TEC's homepage at the bottom of the website is still here.

The reason is that browsing TEC's GitHub profile does not require
non-free Javascript: I can browse it fine with M-x eww.

I guess we shall remove references to non-free software (like the
Sublime Text editor - I will do this later on.)

> While is not developed in the same repository with the Org
> mode itself, I have a gut feeling that we still have to follow GNU
> coding standards on the website. 

Yes -- please report other problems for

> However, WORG contains links to various blogs, reddit,
> stackoverflow, and even youtube and it feels right. I notice that I
> am confused. I would like to hear Bastien's opinion on the topic.

Here is my view on this: the website is part of the GNU
project because Org is part of the GNU project, hence the root pages
of should follow the GNU standards.

Worg is different: it is a community-driven documentation about Org.
Even though worg contents are licensed under GNU FDL, they are not
part of the GNU project.

If needed, we can make this clearer on the website or even host worg
on a dedicated domain name.


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