On 19-Jan-22 17:54, Max Nikulin wrote:
FYI, you can customise any header arg globally. See manual page 16.3
Using Header Arguments.

info "(org) Using Header Arguments" 

Thanks for the info. I'm still not fully proficient in org-mode so this (and the discussion) is very helpful.

On 18-Jan-22 14:30, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
I am not sure about this specific case. The PlantUML executable is
literally a wrapper around java call to jar. Below is the contents of
plantuml file in my system:

source /usr/share/java-config-2/launcher/launcher.bash

Unless it is any different on your side, the arguments for jar and
executable should be literally the same.

I see your point here - no need for redundant custom variables.

I realise that the current situation is kind of awkward. Maybe we should
encourage ob-* libraries to use special header args instead of
defcustoms and modify built-in libraries in this spirit. Would you be
interested to write a feature request?

This is very interesting, I will keep an eye on this discussion to follow up on everything. :-)



Dejan Josifović | Дејан Јосифовић
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