On 09-Jan-22 18:46, Andy Moreton wrote:
I use this snippet to set the ob-plantuml.el args to match the plantuml-mode.el settings:(setf (alist-get :java org-babel-default-header-args:plantuml) (mapconcat #'identity plantuml-java-args " ") (alist-get :cmdline org-babel-default-header-args:plantuml) (mapconcat #'identity plantuml-jar-args " ")) Hope that helps, AndyM
Hi AndyM,This is actually very helpful It didn't remotely cross my mind to do something like this. Thanks a bunch! I was using PlantUML from shell to create images to bypass this until now.
Of course, a native solution in babel for this is always better.Looking at this, I see that in my initial post I made an argument only for arguments passed to PlantUML jar, but now I see that the same can be applied for arguments passed to java command/process. Both are customizable in plantuml-mode, but not in ob-plantuml. Maybe we should think about adding a separate var for those also.
Regards, -- Dejan Josifović | Дејан Јосифовић Software engineer | Софтверски инжењер https://theparanoidtimes.org () ascii ribbon campaign /\ www.asciiribbon.org
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