On 21/01/2022 19:23, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:
I may have many things like this in the middle of the file.
************************** a new heading.
I wish to turn all layers of
headings in org file into collapsable headline to html.
Does anybody know a way I can accomplish this?
I think that you need to add javascript and enclose the collapsible
content in a div.
Have a look at info "(org) JavaScript support"
https://orgmode.org/manual/JavaScript-support.html (I have not tried
that folding view).
HTML has <details><summary>header</summary>body</details> elements that
works without JS, but it will require custom exporter.
You should ensure that deep headings can not be recognized as org inline
tasks. Check ox-html, it may has limit on number of levels that are
exported as headings with switching to lists for deeper structures.