"Loris Bennett" <loris.benn...@fu-berlin.de> writes:

> installed.  I am using tmux and want to run
>   org-insert-structure-template
> which is bound to
>   C-c C-, 
> When I type that, however, the function
>   org-priority
> is executed instead, which is bound to 
>   C-c ,
> Does anyone know what is happening to the second Ctl and how the problem
> can be fixed?

Yes. I actually asked about this recently. The problem is that in a
terminal, C-, doesn't exist. Hitting C-, gets you just a comma. In other
words, there is no control character in existence that would be sent in
a terminal when the user hits C-,.

I asked for suggestions for remapping org-insert-structure-template to
some other keys and got a suggestion on how to find what key
combinations are free. Also a suggestion to use older way to get the
template (require 'org-tempo and use < s TAB).

Problem with that old way is that it doesn't wrap region in the
+BEGIN_SRC/+END_SRC tags, it just dumbly inserts them. I typically start
writing code in an ORG document and *then* realize it should be inside
those tags so C-c C-, would be perfect. Just not in a terminal.

It might be worth reporting this key binding as a bug since it doesn't
work in a terminal.

Other than mapping org-insert-structure-template to some other key
combination or using <sTAB, if your terminal allows it, map C-, in
terminal-specific configuration to send something with C-, and then
configure emacs to match. Painful if you use different terminals and I
know at least one which uses C-, as a shortcut for settings.

Come to think of it, maybe you could remap keys in tmux if you always
use tmux, then it doesn't matter which terminal you use.

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