> On Jan 8, 2022, at 3:29 PM, Kaushal Modi <kaushal.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> What am I missing?
>> It seems like you want your derived backend to transcode special blocks
>> somewhat differently than the parent backend. And adding a special block
>> export filter doesn't quite do the job.
> I tried out the example Juan posted and it works perfectly well. But
> it would require to user to do something similar for each arbitrary
> new special block they need. E.g. #+being_katex, #+begin_tikz,
> #+begin_tikzjax (could be anything!) where the content needs to be
> kept unmodified.
Right, so maybe use `(member type <list of accepted types>)' rather than
'(equals type "newlatex")' in the3 example below.
>> For that purpose, you should write a special block transcoder - perhaps
>> falling back to the parent backend for block types you do not wish to handle
>> as described above.
> Can you please point me to an example?
A simple one here:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
;; minimal backend with latex parent
(org-export-define-derived-backend 'newlatex 'latex
'((special-block . org-newlatex-special-block)))
;; special block transcoder
(defun org-newlatex-special-block (special-block contents info)
"Newlatex special block transcoder."
((type (org-element-property :type special-block)))
(if (equal type "newlatex")
(format "{{<FOO>}}\n%s{{<//FOO>}}\n" contents)
;; not `newlatex` so default to latex transcoder
(org-export-with-backend 'latex special-block contents info))))
Eval the above, then use this as an example by copying the following
src block to an org buffer and entering
M-; (org-export-to-buffer 'newlatex "*Org NEW LATEX Export*" nil nil nil t) RET
#+begin_src org
This is the new content
,#+attr_latex: :caption \MyCaption{HeadingA}
I get an *Org NEW LATEX Export* buffer like this:
This is the new content
>> Block specific customizations could rely on a backend specific attribute.
> Yes, I am doing block-specific customization (like support
> #+attr_shortcode above special blocks here[1]). But I don't know how
> to get back the original content of the special block because the
> `contents` arg received by the exporter's org-hugo-special-block
> already has the Org entities, and sub/super replacements done.
> [1]:
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/kaushalmodi/ox-hugo/blob/458142675bb5a0e7ee26ecea07d75c10aa52184b/ox-hugo.el*L2872__;Iw!!LLK065n_VXAQ!xZhh--YwGpo06BbAHLF_A2MY_4mk4gBxHgFG3InZakP_7mdFDpyBNMgqvDVvBimzWQ$