> Let me know if you are still seeing the problem. This may be a deficiency in my function (I basically copied it wholesale after realizing the source of the "skipping" issue so there may be context I'm missing), but I'm noticing a problem when the heading-to-be-archived comes last in the file. For instance, if you call the function defined in my first email while in test.org:
* TODO A * TODO B * DONE C ...Emacs will hang, locking up until you "C-g". This minimal example was confirmed on Emacs 29.0.50 and Org 9.5.2-gb8656a (and I'd previously experienced the same problem in Emacs 27.2 before I upgraded, although I didn't run any "emacs -Q" tests on that particular build). Again, I'd totally understand if this is just an end-user problem, where I need to write a proper end condition for my archiving function - if you think that's the case, let me know! I just wanted to bring your attention to Emacs locking up in case it was unforeseen on your end. Best, John