Hello all,
I'm the maintainer of the emacs-jupyter project
(https://github.com/nnicandro/emacs-jupyter) which essentially
integrates Jupyter kernels (https://jupyter.org) with Org mode source

I wanted to make an introduction to the Org community.  So...hello!  And
thanks for promoting the project on https://orgmode.org/features.html.

I believe a lot of users of the project use it mainly for the Org
integration.  I thought it would be a good idea to get some feedback
from the community on how their experience using emacs-jupyter has been.
I'm getting back into active maintenance of the project and am looking
for feedback to get a better idea of what the future of the project
could look like.  What features of standard Org source blocks do you
find Jupyter source blocks are lacking?  What potential features do you
think would be useful for Jupyter source blocks to support, given the
capabilities of Jupyter?  What would it mean to see Emacs-Jupyter and
Org more integrated?  Of course, any other thoughts are welcome.


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