Could that PayPal link perhaps (also) point to a page in English?  We lazy
monolingual users from the "Verenigde Staten" and the "Verenigd Koninkrijk"
might find our countries names in the pull down list somewhat more easily.


On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 10:13 AM, Carsten Dominik

> Hi everyone,
> a while ago I was contacted by one of the members of this
> mailing list, asking me if there was a way to compensate
> me for the sustained effort I put into developing and
> maintaining Org-mode.  It was not the first inquiry I had in
> this direction, but this time the author was more persuasive.
> The way he put it was that Org-mode did create more value for
> him than he ever got out of Microsoft Office or any other
> similar and expensive program.  This whole story ended in a
> generous donation in exchange for a signed printed manual
> and a laminated reference card.
> At first this seemed like an odd idea, because I do
> develop Org-mode out of passion, craziness, addiction and
> for fun.  But it is true that over the past 6 years I have
> probably put thousands of hours into this project.
> Long story short:  There is now a PayPal donation button on
> the website.  Any money arriving there will be used to
> keep me in the same happy state that has enabled me to do this
> work for the last couple of years, and it will also be used
> for hardware that I might need, like the next laptop for my
> commute (my main source of coding time) or some mobile
> device to help creating a mobile arm for Org-mode.
> Make no mistake: Org-mode is "free", both as in "freedom" and
> as in "free of charge", and always will be.  But for those of
> you who feel that a donation would be a good way to contribute,
> this is now possible.
> Regards
> - Carsten
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