Ihor Radchenko writes: > I view "Org Mode" as a "brand name". Something uniquely identifying Org > mode and serving as a search term.
Yes, it makes sense. > Is it your principal position about the title specifically? Do you think > that just referring to Emacs in the website description is not > sufficient? > Note that my suggestion #1 has nothing to do with actual orgmode.org > front page. Just about how it appears in search results. Yes, sorry for not explaining myself well: I was also referring to search results, not the title in the web site... But the question is: what need is there to remove the reference to Emacs in the search result? I think the emphasis is necessary. As we say in spanish, it's like putting the bandage on before the wound. If there are people who think that Org Mode can 'live' in some way outside of Emacs (a respectable opinion, but that I do not share, at least 100%), I think the burden of the work falls on them and not on us, the users of Emacs-Org-Mode. Anyway it is my simple and subjetive opinion, and it is not my intention to initiate a controversy with it. Best regards, Juan Manuel