Hi Everyone,

I’ve gone heavily into Julia over the past year, and I recently
thought it would be nice if an Org parser existed for it — so I made one!


It’s just over a week since I started, so it’s fairly young, but I’m pretty
happy with the way it’s shaping up 🙂. To give you an idea, here’s some example
usage from the readme:

│ text1 = org"Some *Org* markup, written with easy using the ~org\"\"~ macro."
│ parsetree(text1)  # show the generated parse tree
│ text2 = parse(Org, "Some *Org* markup, written with easy using the ~parse~ 
│ diff(text1, text2)  # show the components of the parse trees that differ
│ dochead = @doc OrgMode.Heading  # the documentation for the Heading component 
│ org(dochead)  # generate Org text that produces the OrgMode.Heading object
│ string(dochead)  # as above, but produces a String
│ parse(Org, string(dochead)) == dochead  # round-trip equality
│ filtermap(dochead, [OrgMode.SourceBlock], s -> s.lang)  # get the lang of 
each source block

There’s also a bit of an ulterior motive here, I’ve been rather interested in
the Org syntax and how easy it is to write tools for it outside of Emacs, and
I’ve been thinking that writing a parser would be a great way to find out and
allow me to make some more informed comments on
<https://orgmode.org/worg/dev/org-syntax.html>, hopefully pushing it just a bit
closer to having “(draft)” lopped off the title 😛.

You can expect to see another email from me with some comments the Org Syntax
document shortly.

All the best,

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