
Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> writes:

> However, I think it is currently too aggressive in overwriting styles.


> Could it perhaps accept any style that is given in
> ‘org-cite-biblatex-options’ / ‘org-latex-packages-alist’ and only
> overwrite it if another style is explicitly specified in the file to be
> exported?

Isn't it the case already?

> Currently, the only way I have found that I can specify that I want to use
> biblatex-chicago is by issuing
>     #+cite_export: biblatex chicago-authordate

If you need chicago-authordate style globally, you can set
`org-cite-export-processors' instead, e.g., to

  ((t biblatex "chicago-authordate"))

You are responsible, however, for requiring appropriate packages in the
document header (with `org-latex-packages-alist', for example).

Nicolas Goaziou

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