> Why do you think that Org mode permits changing the planning keywords?
Why do you believe my or anyone else's nomenclature would be wrong? What
makes Org Mode right and others' terms wrong? I am assuming you're being
genuine with your reply but it comes off as if "Org mode and its authors
know better than its users" when this is in stark violation of how free
software works. Org Mode's terminology is not correct for me and I am sure
dozens of others (see the very issue around "SCHEDULED" in and of itself
requiring auxiliary notes/documentation explaining that "SCHEDULED" doesn't
mean "scheduled" but something completely different). Users should never
feel that the programs run them but rather that they run the program.
Nobody wants to use software that forces them to use wrong or incorrect
terminology for different nomenclatures.

> we should use org-element-deadline-keyword and
org-element-scheduled-keyword instead.
I do not necessarily care where it is organized or what the variable names
are called but just that as a user, it can be changed and the UI/UX can be
kept consistent with how the user wants it and intends it. There's no
reason to arbitrarily dictate to users "You _MUST_ use _these terms_ and
not any other" other than trying to restrict a user's freedom to have the
software work for them or limiting their ability to change it to meet their
needs. If I have to manually fork off Org Mode to fix something then I
will, but if a simple variable like `org-scheduled-string` or
`org-deadline-string` could be implemented and used to provide a user
centric experience that suits how _users_ need their software to work for
them then that is clearly so much better. Perhaps the Org Mode team should
consider this when making changes like removing UI/UX functionality. If Org
Mode did not have the ability to change things like what "TODO" keywords
people used or what phraseology they want for dates and times then it would
not be nearly as powerful as it is.

Matt M.

On Fri, Nov 26, 2021 at 5:41 AM Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Matt Micheletti <mattdmichele...@gmail.com> writes:
> > ...
> > do not respect the usage of the org-scheduled-string or
> org-deadline-string
> > values when prompting the user to enter a schedule or deadline timestamp
> > leading to confusion amongst the inconsistent UI/UX when those strings
> are
> > changed (as Org Mode permits).
> Why do you think that Org mode permits changing the planning keywords?
> This part of syntax is not meant to be changed. See
> https://orgmode.org/worg/dev/org-syntax.html
> > Recommend changing to
> >
> >  ```
> > (defun org-add-planning-info (what &optional time &rest remove)
> > ;; Omitted for brevity...
> > ;; If necessary, get the time from the user
> > (or time (org-read-date nil 'to-time nil
> > (cl-case what
> > (deadline org-deadline-string)
> > (scheduled org-scheduled-string)
> > (otherwise nil))
> > default-time default-input)))))
> > ```
> This is a good idea, though we should use org-element-deadline-keyword
> and org-element-scheduled-keyword instead.
> Generally, we need to obsolete org-deadline-string and friends in favour
> of constants defined in org-element.el
> I think Nicolas is already working on this task.
> Best,
> Ihor

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