Eric S Fraga <> writes:
> On Monday, 15 Nov 2021 at 00:03, wrote:
>> So if we want to make org cooperate with window.el we must ban theses
>> functions and instead delegate the window management with calls to
>> proper display functions.
> I agree completely.  One of my bug-bears is org-capture which I often
> use during meetings to take notes or create TODO items.  Typically, the
> org capture window covers my Teams buffer (I use exwm as my window
> manager...) which is rather annoying.
> I did play with display-buffer-alist but it seemed to not be able to
> take control of some of org's windows.  Everything else I do in Emacs is
> nicely managed through that alist.

Just want to mention that I would also really appreciate this.
I asked for it ~4 years ago on this list
and it also comes up from time to time in other places
like this Reddit thread


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