Le mercredi 03 novembre 2021 à 17:19 +0100, Nicolas Goaziou a écrit :
> Hello,
> Emmanuel Charpentier <emm.charpent...@free.fr> writes:
> > This (minuscule) patch allows to pass a relative (to the buffer's
> > default directory) file name to denote the CSL style file.
> Thank you. However, I'm not sure to understand the purpose of the
> patch.
> > Rationale : this allows the use of "one-of" styles for "one-of"
> > projects without overloading a defailt CSL style directory (which may
> > or may not exist on a given system : think JabRef users...). Also
> > useful for hacked CSL files specific to a given project.
> If we expand every relative file name from `default-directory', what
> happens to `org-cite-csl-styles-dir'? Your patch makes this variable
> useless, doesn't it?

This can be useful to be able, for example, to use a one-off style for
a given exporter while keeping a standard one for another exporter (e.
g. a one-off exporter for a journal with complicated bibliographic
requirement and anorher for a preprint archive of the same paper).

> What about using a local `org-cite-csl-styles-dir' instead, using
> file-local variables?

IMHO, `org-cite-csl-styles-dir' is deemed to be a more-or-less
permanent setting (possibly in `.emacs'), whereas allowing a relative
filename doesn't need any initial setup.

> > +    ((and (pred (lambda (x)
> > +                 (let ((fn (expand-file-name x default-directory)))
> > +                   (if (file-exists-p fn) fn nil)))) file) file)
> This pattern returns the relative file name, not the expanded one. It
> may not be what you want.

>From `expand-file-name' docstring :

"expand-file-name is a built-in function in ‘C source code’.

(expand-file-name NAME &optional DEFAULT-DIRECTORY)

  Probably introduced at or before Emacs version 1.6.

Convert filename NAME to absolute, and canonicalize it.

[ Abridged.. ]"

My tests confirmed that. I do not understand how you managed to reach
your conclusions...


Emmanuel Charpentier

> Regards,

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