idk if this is useful, but i was thinking of doing something similar,
except, automatically for the purpose of recording progress.

as in, the number of times i did something to the task.  in tags not
properties, thus on the header.  like :n_2:

i tried keywords for progress instead, but that is coarse [cannot
"reward" tiny progress] and requires decision making -- is this
started or progressed?  that can be too much cognitive overhead for
me.  should i really be deciding if it has progressed?

also design decisions --- should i sort up or down by progress kw?
up makes more progressed more visible, but usually one puts more
progressed downward [e.g. doneish is toward bottom].  and
too ugly if they are unsorted, with mixed keywords.

so i thought, what if i could just have, say, started, and then, to
increment the counter, i change the keyword to itself, started.

i don't have the capacity to implement this, and i'm not sure it's
what i want, but maybe the change to itself idea is useful.

On 11/3/21, Uwe Brauer <> wrote:
>>>> "ESF" == Eric S Fraga <> writes:
>> On Monday,  1 Nov 2021 at 20:53, Uwe Brauer wrote:
>>> (format "%s" (- 1 (string-to-number
>> Shouldn't this be the other way around, i.e.
>> (- (string-to-number ...) 1)
>> ?
> Oops you are right, thanks

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