
> On Nov 2, 2021, at 3:19 AM, Matt Price <> wrote:
> I am getting used to calling library-of-babel functions with local data 
> structures as input variables, e.g. in this line:
> #+CALL: list2table(data=common-issues-list, order="rows") :results  table  
> raw 
> where `common-issues-list` is a named org-mode list in the current file, e.g. 
> #+NAME: common-issues-list
> - some
> - things
> - here
> In this particular case, I'd like to maintain a single data structure and use 
> it in a bunch of places (it's a document I re-use in several courses, all of 
> which are published online with different metadata stored in headings). Is 
> there a syntax for referring to #+NAME'd elements in remote files?
> Sorry if I'm missing something that is explained in the docs -- I am not 
> finding this in what I think of as the obvious places.  

AFAIK, there is nothing like this.

However, it looks like it would be easy to modify `org-babel-lob-ingest' by 
adding another argument giving the name (or a list of names) of src blocks that 
you want added to `org-babel-library-of-babel' by replacing the `when 
source-name' with something like `when (member source-name only-these-names)' 
so only src blocks you want to invoke are ingested.



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