
autofrettage <autofrett...@protonmail.ch> writes:

> I recently used oc-basic and oc-csl but ran into a slight problem when I 
> tried to cite
> "97 Things Every Programmer Should Know — Collective Wisdom from the 
> Experts", 1st ed.; Henney, K., Ed.; O’Reilly Media, Inc., 2010.
> ...with the command org-cite-insert. Typing "Henney" produced no suggestions.
> After editing the JSON file from Zotero manually, making Henney an author 
> instead of an editor, everything worked as expected.
> As you may guess, the book is a collection of expert tips from many different 
> programmers, and Kevlin Henney is "just" the editor.
> The same happened for some other sources having editors, but no
> authors.

The default "insert" processor, i.e., "oc-basic" is very limited. You
may want to plug more powerful insert processors. See, e.g., "citar"
(<https://github.com/bdarcus/citar>) project.

Nicolas Goaziou

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