
I have for example 

** DONE G1                                                            :H1:G1:
:ID:       G1
:User1:    John
:email1:   j...@gmail.com
:Start:    <2021-02-16 mar>
:End:      <2021-05-24 lun>
:STATUS:   [ ]
:ST1:      [ ]
:Sheet:    H1
:Ex:       E2
:Ex:       E1

But I would like them to be indented like this

** DONE G1                                                            :H1:G1:
        :ID:       G1
        :User1:    John
        :email1:   j...@gmail.com
        :Start:    <2021-02-16 mar>
        :End:      <2021-05-24 lun>
        :STATUS:   [ ]
        :ST1:      [ ]
        :Sheet:    H1
        :Ex:       E2
        :Ex:       E1

Or similar. Is there any function I oversee, that I could use?


Uwe Brauer 

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