Colin Baxter 😺 <> writes:

>     > (setq org-element--cache-self-verify 'backtrace)
>     > (setq org-element--cache-self-verify-frequency 1)
> I set the above in my ~/.emacs
>     > If a warning appears, backtrace could be helpful. If not, it
>     > should be something to do with org-element-cache-map.
> The max-specpdl-size error has happened again when I tried to add a note
> to an agenda item. Emacs hung and had to be killed. The debugger buffer
> was empty and the only other information given was the message:
> mapc: Lisp nesting exceeds `max-lisp-eval-depth'

It indicates yet another possible problematic place. But I still need
more information.

I just pushed a change that can help with debugging this.
If you update to current main and set `org-element--cache-interrupt-C-g'
to t, you can press "C-g" 6 times (1 +
org-element--cache-interrupt-C-g-max-count) to force-quit the "hang".

When you encounter the hang again, please try to reproduce it after
force quitting. If you figure out some way to reproduce, set
`org-element--cache-diagnostics' to t just before reproducing
(M-: (setq org-element--cache-diagnostics t) <RET>). Then, post the
contents added to your *Warnings* buffer. It will be very verbose and
can hopefully help me figure out the problem.


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