I am tangling Python files with =:comments link=. I don't know if a
way already exits, but I would like to detangle (=org-babel-detangle=)
/noweb/ blocks. For instance:
#+name: binary_metrics.py
#+begin_src python
import numpy as np
true_vals = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=5)
pred_vals = np.ones(5)
#+name: binary_metrics2.py
#+begin_src python :tangle ../Code/Sandbox/tmp.py :dir
../Code/Sandbox/ :comments noweb :noweb yes :padline yes
Then, if I modify tmp.py and do an =org-babel-detangle=, the changes
would go back to =binary_metrics.py=. As it is not working for me at
the moment, I would like to know if
1. I am doing something wrong (it should be working),
2. there is a package which can handle this, or
3. this can be a feature request
The reason for which I would like to have this is to take advantage of
Org to have reproducible and maintainable documents when programming
in Python.
The reason behind this is that I am unaware of any package which
allows =org-edit-special= to integrate with other blocks in the
document in such a way that modules are imported, e.g:
#+name: code1.py
#+begin_src python
import numpy as np
#+caption: Try to =org-edit-special= and get the documentation for
=np= (with eldoc for instance).
#+begin_src python :noweb yes
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(format "%s\n%s"
: GNU Emacs 27.2 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.27,
cairo version 1.17.4)
: of 2021-03-26
: 9.4.6
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