Hi Paolo,

I have applied your patch, only moving some of the bindings into the org-use-extra-keys form.


- Carsten

On May 26, 2009, at 7:50 PM, Paolo Petta wrote:

Dear Carsten -

many thanks for following up on this (and to the list for bearing with me!) --- more in a direct/private email.


On Tue, 26 May 2009, Carsten Dominik wrote:

Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 19:25:01 +0200
From: Carsten Dominik <carsten.domi...@gmail.com>
To: Paolo Petta <paolo.pe...@ofai.at>
Cc: emacs-orgmode@gnu.org
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] Minor request: full support of "ESC" as Meta key
Hi Paolo,

normally, meta key bindings should automatically also affect ESC bindings. So it should not be necessary, even though I see that I have done this in some cases, very like upon requests like your's.

If you try to come up with a list of affected bindings/commands, I will add these specific bindings. However, as you have noticed, some keys in orgstruct-mode may be difficult.

- Carsten

On May 24, 2009, at 2:15 AM, Paolo Petta wrote:

[Dear moderator:
this is of course a minor remark, and it is clearly not up to me to
decide whether it is worth while being recorded at all, let alone
being spread to the mailing list!
But I still do hope it is not considered a downright abuse of your time!] I only just started to look into Org: As "OS-hopper" using emacs regularly on different versions of Linux, Windows, and Mac OS, the comprehensive cross-platform support that Org promises is highly appealing. But trying to use Org relying on the Escape key as 'Meta', I discovered that Org's support in this regard is currently spotty. While for some key combinations both the [?\e (...)] and the [(meta ...)] variants are defined, it is only the [(meta ...)] definitions that are fully covered. For example, org-insert-todo- heading - one of the very first org-specific key-combinations introduced in the very useful Org tutorial - is mapped only to [(meta shift return)], the "ESC-based" equivalent [?\e (shift return)] is missing (org.el, line 13905). While I've tried to patch up org.el the best I could with the missing keymap definitions (and so far I have not run into problems), I am not proficient enough an elisp programmer to dare provide my fixes: e.g. I'm not at all sure to have made the correct additions to the section introduced with the comment ";; Special treatment needed for TAB and RET" on line 6836 of org.el; the specification of disputed keys on line 331ff in org.el would be another example. I would therefore like to ask to please consider putting 'full' coverage for both keymap variants on the todo list for an upcoming release.
With many thanks in advance!
Paolo Petta +43-1-5336112-12(Tel) Austrian Research Inst. for Artificial Intelligence +43-1-5336112-77(Fax) Freyung 6/6, A 1010 Vienna, Austria, Europe Paolo.Petta <@> ofai.at
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Paolo Petta +43-1-5336112-12(Tel) Austrian Research Inst. for Artificial Intelligence +43-1-5336112-77(Fax) Freyung 6/6, A 1010 Vienna, Austria, Europe Paolo.Petta <@> ofai.at

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