Dear all,

apologies for my frequent e-mails. It’s just that I am evaluating the
citations facility for me.

This time it’s about non-page locators. Take the following document:

    #+TITLE: Test
    #+AUTHOR: testauthor
    #+LANGUAGE: de
    #+bibliography: /tmp/mwe/mwe.bib
    #+cite_export: csl /tmp/mwe/juristische-schulung.csl

    Das ist ein Test [cite:@saenger2013gsr § 12 Rn. 488].

juristische-schulung.csl is

This is mwe.bib:

      author       = {Ingo Saenger},
      title        = {Gesellschaftsrecht},
      year      = {2013},
      edition   = {2},
      publisher = {Franz Vahlen},
      location  = {München},
      langid    = {ngerman}}

Note how this work is not cited by page, but instead (which is common
among German judicial literature) by section number (§) plus margin number
(Rn.). Exporting this e.g. to HTML yields in Footnote 1:

    §  Saenger, Gesellschaftsrecht, 2. Aufl. (2013), 12 Rn. 488

That is rather unexpected. It has pulled the § sign in front of the
citation. The citation should have looked like this:

    Saenger, Gesellschaftsrecht, 2. Aufl. (2013), § 12 Rn. 488

If I replace the citation in the document with

    Das ist ein Test [cite:@saenger2013gsr p. 245].

then it produces the expected

    Saenger, Gesellschaftsrecht, 2. Aufl. (2013), 245

(the page locator label, "S." in German, is intentionally suppressed by
the CSL style, so this is not a bug. However, the § locator has to
appear and is not suppressed by the CSL style).

If I export with the default "bare" processor, the citation comes out
fine as "(Ingo Saenger, 2013 § 12 Rn. 488)".

I conclude from this that org somehow mistreats the locator if it is not
a page number. I used org 9.5 from MELPA and Citeproc.el from commit

Is it a bug or (again) my error?


Dipl.-Jur. M. Gülker | | PGP: Siehe Webseite
Passau, Deutschland  |    | O<

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