Max Nikulin <> writes:

> On 28/09/2021 12:33, Bastien wrote:
>> Tim Cross writes:
>>> I do think it is probably time to drop support for Emacs 24 in the next
>>> major release. However, we cannot drop it 'mid release'.
>> I've added a section called "Compatibility with Emacs versions" on
>> this page:
>> We now make it clear that latest Org stable aims at being compatible
>> with Emacs current stable, and the two previous one.
>> That is: Org 9.4.6 is compatible with 27.x, 26.x and 25.x but maybe
>> not with 24.x (24.1 being 9 years old now).
> lisp/org.el:;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3"))
> Should not it be updated?

I would expect it should be updated in org-mode v9.5, but not 9.4.x as
we should only change such things for major version releases. 

>> For example, if the current major version of Emacs is 28.x, then the
>> latest stable version of Org should be compatible with Emacs 28.x, 27.x
>> and 26.x – but not with Emacs 25.x.
> Ubuntu-18.04 bionic is a Long Time Support release (April 2018), emacs-25.2.2
> provided from system repository. Maybe it should be supported even though next
> LTS release Ubuntu-20.04 focal is available.

Perhaps we need to clarify that the supported versions is based on the
version of Emacs which was stable at the time of release of the org
version. For example, org 9.5, being released this week, means it would
support Eamcs 27.x, 26.x and 25.x, but not Emacs 24.x. If Emacs 28 is
released next month, this would not alter the supported versions as 9.5
was released before Emacs 28. When org 9.6 is released, the supported
versions would be updated to include whatever version of Emacs is stable
at that point (likely 28.x) and the two previous versions. 

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