I have been doing quite some programming with elisp in org mode, and one thing I am missing is this help that Emacs shows in minibuffer for functions and macros. You can see the example in the attached image. I am not sure what I have to enable (or disable? :)) to get it to work in babel src blocks? Or is it even possible?
Some few days ago I stumbled on a blog post by J. Kitchin about enabling orignal mode maps in src block: https://kitchingroup.cheme.cmu.edu/blog/2017/06/10/Adding-keymaps-to-src-blocks-via-org-font-lock-hook/ That was another thing I was missing, and that one work really well. Thank yuu John! Can that hack be used to enable this help to pup up in minibuffer as well. I am not familiar what causes that lookup, but I see it happends even when Emacs is started with -Q option, so it is something built-in and enabled by default, probably in elisp-mode itself. Last thing I miss is company doing it's thing. I can complete by pressing TAB, but I would still like it to happen automatically. Is it just me being noob and not enabling something, or is it bit more coplicated than so? Sorry for the long writing, but basically what I ask is, can we get more of usualy elisp stuff hanpening in babel src blocks? Best regards and thanks for help