I do

for f in $(find ~/org/ -name '*.org'); do touch "${f}"; done


Eric S Fraga <ucec...@ucl.ac.uk>, Eric S Fraga <ucec...@ucl.ac.uk>
> Nick Dokos writes:
>> As a workaround for the skipping of unmodified files: does setting
>>     org-publish-use-timestamps-flag
>> to nil temporarily do the deed? I'm not sure what that will do to
>> the timestamps: they will probably be completely out of sync afterwards;
>> but that's exactly what Matt's method does (for the current project
>> only), so it could not be *too* bad !-)
> I guess that would work.  In the end, I used Matt's method (having
> re-ordered my project list first so that org-mode would choose the
> right project by default with the P option...).
>> You can also try to blow away (or move aside) the time stamps directory
>> (~/.org-timestamps by default, or the value of
>> org-publish-timestamp-directory) and try publishing again.
> Duh!  I did think of blowing it away as I've done that in the past but
> never thought of simply moving it out of the way and then moving it
> back again afterwards which would at least have retained the time
> stamps for other projects.  Sigh.  I'll remember this for next time
> however!
> Many thanks all!
> eric
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