Chuck, thanks. (i'm not surprised at an e-lisp suggestion from you! :)
i worry about accidental modification of the base case results during the chaos of development. it occurs to me (reading through (org-babel-ref-resolve)) to keep my base case source blocks marked with [:results silent], which should prevent accidental modification. (*) then, i would change [:results silent] to, e.g., [:results silentx], in the base case source blocks whenever i wanted to re-create those results. for, e.g., inspecting the results when things differ, it would be nice to stay in the language of the rest of the code. but i suspect i'll be able to do some e-lisp magic on the RHS of a :var, e.g., crudely : #+begin_src R :var basecaseresults=(org-babel-read-named-result "testcountsdecompose") i'll play around with it. (i suspect i'll be motivated to use an e-lisp macro, to eliminate the quotes, for example.) again, thanks. cheers, Greg (*) this relies on current org-mode behavior, where (org-babel-read-result) will return results from a result block from a source block marked [:results silent]. i have no idea how likely this behavior is to change in the long run.