hi. i am trying to simplify adding regression test cases to a program.
to generate the base, "compared-to" results, i want to write some code in a source block, then evaluate it, producing the "true" value. then, later during development, i want to check if the code that ran in that block gives the same results. to do this, i preface the test check block with, e.g., =:var fu=bar=. obviously, i do *not* want to re-create the base results; so, after producing the base case results, i tried marking the source block that produces the results =:eval never=. but, doing that, using `:var fu=bar` on a test check source block, fu's value is nil. (*) is there a way to convince org-mode to, in the face of =:eval never=, go ahead and pass the *previous* results? or, some other idea of how to do this? there will be a large number of these test cases. cheers, Greg (*) this is sort of confusing, so here's an example: #+begin_src org ,#+name: testcountsdecompose ,#+begin_src R :eval never mtcars[1:3,] ,#+end_src ,#+RESULTS: testcountsdecompose | 21 | 6 | 160 | 110 | 3.9 | 2.62 | 16.46 | 0 | 1 | 4 | 4 | | 21 | 6 | 160 | 110 | 3.9 | 2.875 | 17.02 | 0 | 1 | 4 | 4 | | 22.8 | 4 | 108 | 93 | 3.85 | 2.32 | 18.61 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 1 | ,#+name: testcounts ,#+header: :var testcountsdecompose=testcountsdecompose :results output ,#+begin_src R str(testcountsdecompose) ,#+end_src ,#+RESULTS: testcounts : chr "nil" #+end_src whereas, if the =testcountsdecompose= source block does *not* have =:eval never=, my =testcountsdecompse= variable has all the rows and columns i was hoping for.