Brandon Taylor <> writes:

I know we’re not supposed to really even TALK about proprietary
software in FOSS communities like this one, but I can’t help but
wonder if someone might consider making (an) Emacs plugin(s) that allow(s) a user to export Org mode files to Microsoft Office file formats such as .docx, .xlsx and the like? Or is/are there already (a)
plugin(s) in the MELPA that can do this?

Brandon Taylor

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

The ox-pandoc package works here for .docx, running on Linux - here are the settings I use, but you may have to experiment

(use-package ox-pandoc
 :defer 7
 (setq org-pandoc-options '((standalone . t))
;; cancel above settings only for 'docx' format
  org-pandoc-options-for-docx '((standalone . nil))
;; special settings for beamer-pdf and latex-pdf exporters
  org-pandoc-options-for-beamer-pdf '((pdf-engine . "xelatex"))
 org-pandoc-options-for-latex-pdf '((pdf-engine . "xelatex"))))



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