After some exploration I found that it appears to be the result of the setting 
org-log-note-clock-out . It I switch this off, switching tasks works as 
expected. It used to  be that having it on didn't cause the bug of failing to 
switch to a new task immediately. Can anyone else please verify that having the 
note pop up with (org-log-note-clock-out t) causes it not to successfully clock 
in to the new item when previously clocked in to a different item, when 
switching via the org agenda? It looks that way to me.

- Tory

Marco Wahl <> writes:

> (Tory S. Anderson) writes:
>> For years my workflow has centered in org-agenda and I would go from
>> one clocked item to the next.  For instance, I would be clocked into
>> my "Emails" task, which never closes, and then eventually move down in
>> the agenda to "Task B". Then I hit C-x TAB to clock in. It correctly
>> queries for a comment on the task I'm leaving but no longer clocks me
>> in to the new task as I'd asked. Is this a bug or am I missing a new
>> setting?
> This should work AFAICT and it does for me.  (With key {I} or {C-c C-x
> TAB} in the agenda opposed to your setting with {C-x TAB}.)
> Could you provide a complete mini example?  Possibly this helps to see
> more clearly.
> Best regards,

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