I conclude that org-mode cauld do with some improvements.  If org-mode was designed to allow
LaTeX fragments without the need of any special marking, it should allow latex syntex highlighting
without the need of any special markings.
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2021 at 4:28 AM
From: "Rodrigo Morales" <moralesrodrigo1...@gmail.com>
To: "Christopher Dimech" <dim...@gmx.com>
Cc: "Help Emacs Orgmode" <emacs-orgmode@gnu.org>
Subject: Re: Latex highlighting for org-mode
There are two ways with which you can get LaTeX syntax highlighting when
editing LaTeX in org-mode buffers.

* No. 1: LaTeX code blocks

You can have LaTeX code blocks within your document with the following
header arguments and thus have syntax highlighting and make the content
of those code blocks to be exported as LaTeX.

Advantage: Code blocks are syntax highlighted.

Disadvantage: The code block is not exported when exporting to HTML,
only when exporting to LaTeX.

#+BEGIN_SRC latex :results latex :exports results
  \frac{12}{13} + 12

* No 2: Executing org-edit-special in LaTeX environments

When using org-edit-special (C-c ') in LaTeX environments, the snippet
is opened in a buffer whose major mode is latex-mode so you get syntax
highlighting within that buffer.

Advantage: The snippets are exported as raw text when exporting to HTML.

Disadvantage: The snippets are not syntax highlighted. They are only syntax
highlighted in the dedicated buffer which is shown in org-edit-special.

Solving $12 + 13$ is not difficult.


  12 + 13

is not difficult.


  12 + 13

is not difficult.

* Side note

If you want to see the behavior when exporting to HTML, I encourage you
to export the following Org Mode file to HTML and see what happens.

The following is not shown when exporting to HTML.

#+begin_src latex :results latex :exports results
  10 + 10

#+begin_export latex
  10 + 10

The following is shown as an image when exporting to HTML.
#+begin_src latex :exports results :results file graphics :file 20.png
  20 + 20


The following is shown as text when exporting to HTML.

  30 + 30

The following is shown as text when exporting to HTML.

40 + 40

Hope that helps.

On Thu, 24 Jun 2021 at 00:07, Christopher Dimech <dim...@gmx.com> wrote:
Would it be possible for org-mode to have syntax highlighting
for latex commands?  Currently I have to change mode with
"M-x latex-mode" to get the highlighting.


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