On Tuesday,  8 Jun 2021 at 20:15, Greg Minshall wrote:
> Eric, when you use something RCS-like as your version control system, i
> assume that makes grepping to find some old note easy enough.  but,
> these days i tend to use git.  when (assuming) you use git, do you have
> some easy way to say "well, i had this code that looked sort of like
> this... where was it?"?  (sorry, that's really a git question, but ...)

Yes, for SRC (RCS-like), it's straightforward to go into the ,v file and
search.  For git, I try to make sure the commit message is as
informative as necessary and then search on the log.  The alternative is
git-timemachine which allows me to go back and forward in time looking
at the buffer.

Having said this, I don't often find myself looking for anything in the
history.  For major alternatives that might come up during the project,
I use branches.  But only with git as I have never figured out how to
get a branch set up in src.

: Eric S Fraga via Emacs 28.0.50, Org release_9.4.6-549-ga0a87d

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