Ian Barton <li...@manor-farm.org> writes:

> Hi Dan,
> It looks fine here in Firefox 3.0.10 on Ubuntu Jaunty. What version of
> FF are you using?

Also Firefox 3.0.10 on Ubuntu Jaunty. Same problem with ff 3.0.8 running
on remote fedora core machine with graphics displayed locally via ssh -X.

OK, that's strange, but evidently not relevant to org.

It seems that it's something specific to the graphics display by my
laptop? I get a thicker lower border to the boxes at all zoom levels
with org-export-as-html, with vanilla org/emacs setups. That's true for
#+begin_example and #+begin_src.

I had a quick look at some css box examples online and didn't see any
that had the same problem, but I'll look into the difference between
these and org-generated css and see if I can understand what's going on.
Thanks Nick and Ian for checking.


> Ian.
>> When source code blocks are rendered in HTML, in firefox under linux I
>> see a thick lower border to the box enclosing the code, however I don't
>> see this in firefox under windows and OS X, nor IE under Windows.  As an
>> example (for linux users at least) look at the bounding box to the first
>> code example on
>> http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/org-protocol.php
>> It may seem minor on the worg page, but I've modified worg.css for my
>> own use (I'm not sure who specifically to thank, but thanks!) and it can
>> be very noticeable/ugly e.g.
>> http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~davison/software/dbm/download.php
>> If you zoom in, eventually that becomes a horizontal scrollbar, so
>> perhaps what I'm seeing is a sort of vestigial scrollbar? Please excuse
>> the slightly OT question, but I was hoping one of the resident css
>> experts would know how to fix this? Or is it a bug in firefox?
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