Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to happen and
what in fact did happen. You don't know how to make a good report? See
Your bug report will be posted to the Org mailing list.
I open a new file, /tmp/, and I start a new list
by typing "<enter>- a<enter>". It appears:
- a
What I expect: my cursor should now be at column 0. This was the
behavior in 9.3.6 and it makes perfect sense.
What happens instead: after upgrade to 9.4.4, the cursor rests at
column 2, under the a.
How do I change the behavior back to the 9.3.6 one?
Facts about it:
- When I start emacs with 'emacs -Q -nw' the bug does not manifest even
in 9.4.4.
- When I paste the 'current state' elisp below into ~/it.el, and start emacs
with emacs -Q -nw, and 'L' in dired to load ~/it.el, the bug does not
- I have read the changelog and the manual, with no good result.
- I have an example where the bug does not manifest even in 9.4.4 and
even without running emacs -Q, where the .org file is a little thing
full of lines starting with ':' only (!).
- I tried setting org-adapt-indentation to 't (the default) as it is
an obvious suspect, the bug still manifested.
many thanks,
- James P.
Emacs : GNU Emacs 25.3.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.5)
of 2020-07-07
Package: Org mode version 9.4.4 (9.4.4-dist @
current state:
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"WAITING(w@/!)" "DELEGATED(e@/!)" "APPT(@!)" "|" "DONE(d!)" "DEFERRED"
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"~/research/how-to-research/" "~/research/"
"~/research/funding/" "~/dissertation/"
"~/milestones/2019-01-02-(Data Reduction of 2018
TDAT Update)/"
"~/milestones/2018-04-04-(DOGAMI data product,
building types for 3 counties)/"
"~/milestones/2017-01-02-(Diagram of Text
Interrelations In The Literature)/"
"~/milestones/2020-03-01-(QGIS Scripts for
producing PLEI)/"
"~/milestones/2019-03-01-(MOVES for all of 2010,
wkend+wkday, with metro CDM)/"
"~/milestones/2020-02-07-(An App for Loading a PLEI
Slice into Postgresql)/"
"~/milestones/2019-02-01-(Establishment of an OIT
support database server for the long term)/"
"~/milestones/2014-04-11 (a poster for AGU
"~/milestones/2018-03-06-(Repository and Code for
Building Energy Model)/"
"~/milestones/2018-03-03-(Notes from a Shallow Dive
into eQUEST)/"
"~/milestones/2020-02-02-(DARTE from
"~/milestones/2014-03-07-(a poster for PSU SRS
"~/milestones/2020-02-03-(Reference copy of
"~/milestones/2018-03-04-(eQUEST building
simulation for PDX)/"
"~/milestones/2019-01-03-(An App for Data Reduction
and Analysis)/doc/"
"~/milestones/2019-01-03-(An App for Data Reduction
and Analysis)/"
"~/milestones/2020-02-08-(Data Reduction and Raw
Data for 2020 PORTAL Update - June COVID edition)/"
"~/milestones/2019-02-03-(Data Reduction of 2019
PORTAL Update)/"
"~/milestones/2020-01-03-(Coalesced Kounts from
TDAT and PORTAL including a recent update to both)/"
"~/milestones/2018-02-05-(Big picture conceptual
diagram of the whole EI)/"
"~/milestones/2018-03-02-(Documented and
Reproducable Software Platform - Edition 2018)/"
"~/milestones/04-11-2014 (a poster for AGU
"~/milestones/2014-04-01-(project PORTAL-TOTAL
stations to LCC)/"
"~/milestones/2020-02-05-(QGIS Models for producing
"~/milestones/2015-04-03-(TD08 statistically
defensible traffic density model with freeways)/"
"~/milestones/2019-01-0a-(PORTAL data downloader in
"~/milestones/2020-02-06-(PLEI for All PDX Metro,
All of the year 2010)/"
"~/milestones/2016-01-03-(TD0N - crucible and
testing ground for new TD)/pill-shaped-buffer-version/"
"~/milestones/2016-01-03-(TD0N - crucible and
testing ground for new TD)/"
"~/milestones/2014-03-05-(a poster for sigma xi
"~/milestones/2018-02-03-(Survey of Natural Gas
Hookups to Residences in PDX Metro)/"
"~/milestones/2018-01-07-(Documented and Justified
Typology of Portland, OR Buildings)/"
"~/milestones/2016-01-01-(Toy Linear
"~/milestones/2017-02-03-(massive MOVES modeling
detailed dump from Metro)/"
"~/milestones/2017-03-01-(Sanity Check on Onramp +
Popden + Comsqft)/popden/"
"~/milestones/2019-04-02-(ODIAC2018 for Feb
"~/milestones/2013-02-0A-(a map of sites where
counts actually happened)/"
"~/milestones/2019-02-02-(Extract tache-related DBs
from a giant pg_dumpall - PERL script)/"
"~/milestones/2014-04-03-(SQL to make materialized
views for PORTAL-TOTAL)/"
"~/milestones/2018-01-03-(map of buildings showing
extent of area where bldg_use is empty)/"
"~/milestones/2019-02-05-(MOVES for all of 2017,
wkend+wkday, with and without Metro CDM)/")
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"~/public_html" :publishing-function
James E. Powell, MS
Pronouns: he/him/his
Applied Physics PhD Candidate
Department of Physics
Portland State University
Home page:
Office: SRTC 409B Phone: +1-503-725-8515