> On May 6, 2021, at 12:50 AM, michael-franz...@gmx.com wrote:
> I am trying to use ob-latex but equations are not being displayed in emacs
> when I try to execute with "C-c C-c".

Right. This is because `:results latex replace' is the default for latex src 
blocks and the leads to wrapping everything in a latex export block. 

The context inside that block is `export-block' - i.e. it is not a 
`greater-element' and cannot contain other elements.  AFAIK, there is not 
previewer for export blocks - latex or otherwise.

The context for an equation inside a greater-element is latex-fragment. And 
those can be rendered via `org-latex-preview'.

If you want to render equations for previewing, you could put them into a 
drawer that is not repeated in the export.

To make this work, you probably want something like this

#+begin_src org

  ,#+name: eqn1
  ,#+begin_src latex :exports none :results drawer 
  \(y = x\beta + \epsilon\)

  Here is the equation for export:

  ,#+call: eqn1() :results latex


Evaluating the latex src block (C-c C-c) will create a `results' drawer line 

#+RESULTS: eqn1
\(y = x\beta + \epsilon\)

but the `:exports none' will strip that out on export. The call line will 
create this on export:

#+begin_export latex
\(y = x\beta + \epsilon\)



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