Hi Joost

> [Not directly related to the OP, but might be useful to know.]
> On Mon, May 03 2021, Aleksandar Dimitrov wrote:
>> this sounds very interesting to me, as I, too, mostly write in Org
>> and, sometimes write documents in multiple languages, usually with
>> different varieties of either Latin or Cyrillic.
> [...]
>> Apart from the export, one of my biggest gripes is
>> flyspell. Specifically, the fact that you have to choose one language to
>> spell check the entire document with. That is insufficient in my case.
> flyspell is basically just ispell, and ispell can be configured with different
> backends. One possible backend is hunspell, which allows you to set multiple
> dictionaries. So if you regularly use different languages in a buffer, you
> should give hunspell a try.
> [...]
>> The drawback, and the clear disadvantage compared to your method is that
>> this works great only when the languages are separated by paragraph
>> breaks.
> If that is the case, you could also check out the =guess-language= package:
> <https://github.com/tmalsburg/guess-language.el>. It tries to detect the
> language of the current paragraph and sets the ispell (and hence flyspell)
> dictionary accordingly. I use it because I write in three different languages,
> but usually don't mix them in one buffer.

Thanks for your hints! =guess-language= seems really cool! I also didn't
know hunspell supported more than one dictionary.


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