as it has been a long time my original post is

Message ID      

and the content is

when you link to a section using toc, you get a link like

will these links break if somebody copies them and pastes them
elsewhere?  what if you add a section?

there doesn't seem to be a perfect solution, short of adding custom id
or id to everything, but perhaps a fuzzy hash of the header and
contents of the section could be used?  or a strict hash of the
header?  is anything like this being done?  just curious.

On 4/21/21, Samuel Wales <> wrote:
> more below.  [note the two samuels.]
> On 4/21/21, Samuel Loury <> wrote:
>> advance what heading he will share, so he would have to add CUSTOM_ID
>> everywhere, just in case. This sounds like a lot of unnecessary work.
>> The solution of tecĀ¹ appears to be a new generation of the html ids based
>> on the heading content rather than apparently randomly generated, making
>> the generated link become the same across new generations.
>> I hope it clarified the discussion.
> it did improve it.  thank you.  the above is concise and clear.
> suppose reader A wants to send a link to reader B.
> one exported [i did not use org's publish facility] post is
> .  it has MANY sections.  i turn off toc for a whole section and then
> put a toc in that section just to make the main toc less forbidding.
> here is the html for just the top few entries of the main toc --
> notice 3 links each with a hex code that changes.
> <div id="table-of-contents">
> <h2>Table of Contents</h2>
> <div id="text-table-of-contents">
> <ul>
> <li><a href="#org360b8b5">This post</a></li>
> <li><a href="#orgdff6ff2">The name of the law</a></li>
> <li><a href="#orgeb015f7">Basic facts</a></li>
> suppose i add a section after This post.  Most links will now be
> broken.  A could have sent any of them to B as raw hex links.
> i just want the problem understood at the user level.  i get that
> there are possible implementation issues.
> i spent 16 years researching and writing the blog post.  i don't want
> links to be broken or to have to kludge in a bunch of custom id or org
> id properties drawers just in case somebody links.  even if drawers
> are added to every linked section automatically, it's a lot of clutter
> and slowness [org id searches are slow and drawers have performance
> issues that are being worked on but not merged into maint yet].  that
> is a lot of drawers just for links that might or might not be sent.
> i am limited in computer use so i will probably not pursue this
> further if there is no interest.
> there is some interest.  e.g. carsten said he thought tec's code or
> somethign like it should be merged into org qua org.
> --
> The Kafka Pandemic
> Please learn what misopathy is.

The Kafka Pandemic

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