Eraldo Helal <> writes:

> In my custom agenda: Is there a way to get the higher(by1level)
> *headline as prefix*?

No, not that I know of.  But you can use the :CATEGORY: property.

> * headline1
    :CATEGORY: headline1

> ** TODO headline2
> ** TODO headline3

Well, here it's a bit inconvenient.

> * headline4
    :CATEGORY: headline4

> ** headline5
    :CATEGORY: headline5

> *** TODO headline 6
> ** TODO headline 7        :tag1:
> agenda:
> headline1    TODO headline2
> headline1    TODO headline3
> headline4    TODO headline7        :tag1:
> headline5    TODO headline6

I think that should give the desired results, but for deeper structures
always adding a property is really inconvenient.  Once I used properties
quite intensively, but after a while I switched to using tags and
categories only for distinguishing private from work related things (and
there the categories are the org file names).


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