... and somehow I forgot to remove the old `text' :facepalm:

Third time's the charm.

>From ee6ec00145c442804d945bae292c199689f626ed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TEC <t...@tecosaur.com>
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2021 23:06:14 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] ox-latex: convert verbatim text in headings to tt

* lisp/ox-latex.el (org-latex-format-headline-default-function): Convert
any instances of \verb text with \texttt.  This is required to work
around LaTeX peculiarities that would otherwise cause compilation to
fail (see the code comment for more information).
 lisp/ox-latex.el | 14 +++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/lisp/ox-latex.el b/lisp/ox-latex.el
index da3c3f815..13de07728 100644
--- a/lisp/ox-latex.el
+++ b/lisp/ox-latex.el
@@ -2054,7 +2054,19 @@ (defun org-latex-format-headline-default-function
    (and todo (format "{\\bfseries\\sffamily %s} " todo))
    (and priority (format "\\framebox{\\#%c} " priority))
-   text
+   ;; LaTeX isn't happy when you try to use \verb inside the argument of other
+   ;; commands (like \section, etc.), and this causes compilation to fail.
+   ;; So, within headings it's a good idea to replace any instances of \verb
+   ;; with \texttt.
+   (replace-regexp-in-string
+    "\\\\verb\\(.\\).+?\\1"
+    (lambda (verb-string)
+      (replace-regexp-in-string
+       "\\\\" "\\\\\\\\"
+       (org-latex--text-markup (substring verb-string 6 -1)
+                               'code
+                               '(:latex-text-markup-alist ((code . protectedtexttt))))))
+    text)
    (and tags
 	(format "\\hfill{}\\textsc{%s}"
 		(mapconcat #'org-latex--protect-text tags ":")))))

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