After some years of using orgmode, and exporting using its defaults, I
would like to take a quality leap and find a way of exporting for life.
My options: LaTeX, ODT, HTML.
LaTeX: I can see some masters here that make professional books, and I
have some friends that publish scientific papers using LaTeX. But, it
looks like a like a rabbit hole to me, since even the masters seem to
have to modify the tex file directly (is this correct?), not being
sufficient orgmode to culminate the work by itself. And to learn LaTeX
seems a lifelong activity (almost like "learning" orgmode). BTW, when I
export to LaTeX although it gets the job done, it sends a lot of error
ODT: I take this one as a lower level solution than LaTeX, but it looks
easier to tame, and it even allows to use templates, for example to
make reports in the workplace. Do you think it is worth focusing on ODT
exporting? Could it be a definitive solution to publish papers and books
directly from orgmode? ODT exporting sends some error message to me, but
at least I understand it.
HTML: I have seen some themes
<https://olmon.gitlab.io/org-themes/latexcss/latexcss.html> designed to
export in LaTeX format using HTML. Here we would have the "definitive
tool": The power of LaTeX in the versatility that could give the use of
different themes for different purposes. But, do you think it could get,
some day, the quality of a direct LaTeX export? No errors by my side
when exporting to HTML.
How do you think I should spend some hundreds (or thousands) of hours to
achieve maestry exporting my documents?
Best regards.