Sorry, attached wrong version of the patch.

Here is the right one

>From 0acb961d916d4bfde505c9f5eb16d1e8851b6c8f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ihor Radchenko <>
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2021 13:16:06 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] Improve org-link-plain-re

* lisp/ol.el (org-link-make-regexps): Allow URLs with up to two levels
of nested brackets.  Now, URLs like [1] can be matched.  The new
regexp is taken from [2].

 lisp/ol.el | 55 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/ol.el b/lisp/ol.el
index 8b9755b51..7ce7a4798 100644
--- a/lisp/ol.el
+++ b/lisp/ol.el
@@ -829,26 +829,43 @@ This should be called after the variable `org-link-parameters' has changed."
 	  (format "<%s:\\([^>\n]*\\(?:\n[ \t]*[^> \t\n][^>\n]*\\)*\\)>"
-	  (concat
-	   "\\<" types-re ":"
-	   "\\([^][ \t\n()<>]+\\(?:([[:word:]0-9_]+)\\|\\([^[:punct:] \t\n]\\|/\\)\\)\\)")
-	  ;;	 "\\([^]\t\n\r<>() ]+[^]\t\n\r<>,.;() ]\\)")
-	  org-link-bracket-re
-	  (rx (seq "[["
-		   ;; URI part: match group 1.
-		   (group
-		    (one-or-more
+	  (let ((non-space-bracket "[^][ \t\n()<>]+"))
+            ;; Heiristics for an URL link.  Source:
+            ;;
+            (rx-to-string
+             `(seq (regexp "\\<")
+                   (regexp ,types-re)
+                   ":"
+                   (1+ (or (regex ,non-space-bracket)
+                           (seq "("
+                                (* (or (regex ,non-space-bracket)
+                                       (seq "("
+                                            (regex ,non-space-bracket)
+                                            ")")))
+                                ")")))
+                   (or (seq "("
+                            (* (or (regex ,non-space-bracket)
+                                   (seq "("
+                                        (regex ,non-space-bracket)
+                                        ")")))
+                            ")")
+                       (regexp "\\([^[:punct:] \t\n]\\|/\\)")))))
+          org-link-bracket-re
+          (rx (seq "[["
+	           ;; URI part: match group 1.
+	           (group
+	            (one-or-more
                      (or (not (any "[]\\"))
-			 (and "\\" (zero-or-more "\\\\") (any "[]"))
-			 (and (one-or-more "\\") (not (any "[]"))))))
-		   "]"
-		   ;; Description (optional): match group 2.
-		   (opt "[" (group (+? anything)) "]")
-		   "]"))
-	  org-link-any-re
-	  (concat "\\(" org-link-bracket-re "\\)\\|\\("
-		  org-link-angle-re "\\)\\|\\("
-		  org-link-plain-re "\\)"))))
+		         (and "\\" (zero-or-more "\\\\") (any "[]"))
+		         (and (one-or-more "\\") (not (any "[]"))))))
+	           "]"
+	           ;; Description (optional): match group 2.
+	           (opt "[" (group (+? anything)) "]")
+	           "]"))
+          org-link-any-re
+          (concat "\\(" org-link-bracket-re "\\)\\|\\("
+	          org-link-angle-re "\\)\\|\\("
+	          org-link-plain-re "\\)"))))
 (defun org-link-complete-file (&optional arg)
   "Create a file link using completion."

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