* John Kitchin <jkitc...@andrew.cmu.edu> [2021-03-08 23:06]: > This question is going to go a little off the original topic. I wonder > how far you can push your model of replacing the org-file with a > database.
Those functions which I use most often I can fully replace with the database work. The visual stuff is handled by tabulated-list-mode, so I cannot currently see the contents of a simple heading unless I press a key. But I am sure that database based Org style editing is possible in general. What I mean is that one could have an Org file displayed but internally all of its structures could be translated on the fly into the database. This would allow collaboration with many users and finely based version control of each elements of the structure. I think that automatic update and version control of each contents of a heading could be saved to database, or it could be saved to database by using key or by switching from one heading to other heading. If user switches to other heading, would that other heading be edited by other user in the same time, that other heading could be automatically updated. I was making simple functions to move Org headings into the database, and functions to move database entries into Org files on the fly. IMHO, what Org does is either intentionally or not intentionally, or mixed-wise related to Doug Engelbart's work. TECHNOLOGY TEMPLATE PROJECT OHS Framework https://www.dougengelbart.org/content/view/110/460/ > This question is going to go a little off the original topic. I wonder > how far you can push your model of replacing the org-file with a > database. After that introduction, and I hope you understand what I wrote (as I am not sure if I have expressed myself well enough), then I can answer how far it may be pushed. I have defined in my software Hyperscope that each node can have different type. All nodes have its ID numbers. So now I could say that nodes have various finely grained types such as: - Subtree (This could be considered either heading or title in Org editing), it contains other nodes. - headings or subtrees within subtree are similar to sub-headings in Org editing - I can define Org Babel-like nodes, for example now I have SQL output, I can enter SQL SELECT and get the report. That type of node definition is alternative to Org Babel. I did not work much on it, but it is not hard to define. As soon as the node type is defined, inside of the node type there could be defined, even inside of the database, on how to run or execute that code block. Right now I am hardcoding that. - then I can go finely grained, I could say: this node is paragraph. But I need not do that. - then I could go more finely grained, I could say this node is a list of items, but I could also say this node is one item within a list. - I could say this is one line as node, or this is one sentence as node. - I could say this is one word within a sentence. That means I can defined "Elementary objects" as defined here: https://www.dougengelbart.org/content/view/110/460/#2a1a Objects are basic content packets of an arbitrary, user and developer extensible nature. Types of elementary objects could contain text, graphics, equations, tables, spreadsheets, canned-images, video, sound, code elements, etc. Now you can imagine that those paragraphs could be reused in various Org files, reusing such paragraphs becomes trivial. There is no copy and paste any more, just one time definition where some paragraph shall be inserted: - edit subtree of nodes - decide where to insert some other existing node - insert it and forget about it This then allows editing of the subtree (Org equivalent) node A or node B, and each time that paragraph is edited it is also changed in the other subtree. Copying subtrees so that they do not synchronize is naturally possible. Finely grained definition of nodes allows for finely grained referencing to those nodes what is currently not possible with Org mode. I have researched that option. Review this page: https://www.dougengelbart.org/content/view/110/460/ and you will see how each paragraph is finely referenced on that page. Specific referencing enhances educational capabilities in specialization on specific subject. It saves times, efforts, also a lot of money. Imagine group of 20 miners and their 3 administrators who are supposed to work on a lead mine, they did finish their general education, but now they are faced with specialized subject of "lead mining". Having a very precise set of references to lead mining saves money, as education of miners and administrators is paid in their salaries, if they are reading irrelevant instructions or if they are offered whole books to read and find references themselves, that would spend 20 times plus 3 times more money for their time to gain that special knowledge. Having a finely grained set of references that has to be read by those specific people specializes those people to the specific subject of knowledge quickly and efficiently, they can get only information that relates to galena as mineral, melting, refining, collecting of galena and processing of it. Fine referencing thus helps in research and education and other subjects. To index bodies of knowledge is not so hard with computerized information. Once index is made, such index contains the subject, for example "galena". By using larger index, one can then form and curate a subtree or heading of nodes and use that heading for education to specialize miners in a specific subject. Indexing and converting to Org file is possible, then if one does not work with database, one can still select those headings that relate to specific subject with Emacs functions and then copy and paste those specific headings into a new file. But what if any node is changed either in the new file or the main index? They are not automatically synchronized. Database backed editing allows automatic synchronization. Or nodes may be made separate by duplicating them. It also allows instead of creating a new subtree, to create just a result based on query and exclude/include some other lines and create new Org file with those entries for later research. Org file can be converted to PDF and distributed to people. > It looks like it would be easy to extend to something like a shared > bibliography. I wish I could understand better what you mean with shared bibliography. Explain me better. As side notes to bibliography subject, in the table of nodes I have included some basic bibliographic entries, but not all, I have not been thinking enough of that. I do use it for finely grained personal bibliographic collection of hyperlinks and hyperdocuments and now I have more than 20000 items, mostly PDF files with references to articles inside of PDF file, their titles and similar. It is like index of indexes. Subtrees or all system can be converted to Org files on the fly and saved if necessary, but there is much work to make it more detailed and nice, well hyperlinked. Table `hlinks' should be maybe called hyperdocuments, but I chose this name for now, has the following structure: hlinks_id hlinks_datecreated hlinks_datemodified hlinks_usercreated hlinks_usermodified hlinks_hlinkstatuses hlinks_date hlinks_expiration hlinks_curator hlinks_hlinktypes hlinks_mimetypes hlinks_name hlinks_link hlinks_arguments hlinks_description hlinks_text hlinks_tags hlinks_parent hlinks_author hlinks_hlinkpermissions hlinks_revision hlinks_numberofpages hlinks_language hlinks_filesize hlinks_timelength hlinks_width hlinks_height hlinks_hash hlinks_signature p hlinks_pages hlinks_accounts hlinks_people hlinks_businesses hlinks_opportunities hlinks_priorities hlinks_authorname hlinks_properties hlinks_elisphash hlinks_publisher hlinks_groups hlinks_groupassigned hlinks_assignedperson hlinks_rank hlinks_active hlinks_actionstatuses hlinks_globalpriority hlinks_relatedfile The nature of the database is collaborative. Adding new users and allowing users finely grained access is possible. Users could edit either all tables and fields, or just some tables and fields. Those features are handled by the database and configuration, not by users' run program (as otherwise user could circumvent it). Users could access the database from any distant location and edit nodes. Output could be Org file or any other output, but using Org file as output is beneficial as Org itself has many various other export formats. This type of work is not well suitable for collaborative real time online editing. However, it is suitable for concurrent non-real time editing of any items. For example, user A could designate new scheduled time, but user B could change the scheduled time to something else. All changes can be inside of the database backed version control to see who changed what at which time. It is suitable for collaborative business or organization work. Marketing, sales, communications, notes, anything is possible when collaboration takes place. Example workflow could be: - manager views Org file of customer Joe - assign customer Joe to salesman Jane - salesman Jane calls customer and makes notes on customer Joe - manager is notified of note visualized in Org file, it seem like customer Joe was handled in past better by salesman Juan - manager schedules call to customer Joe by Juan at Tuesday 10 o'clock - Juan calls customer at 10:30 Tuesday and closes the sale, invoice is generated - all parties, manager, salesmen Jane and Juan can view what has taken place, visualization can take place as Org file By using the package `crdt' from https://code.librehq.com/qhong/crdt.el.git one can involve online real-time collaboration of a single item. This works right now with Org mode. Each node of the database system could be edited with `crdt-mode' enabled if one requires real time online collaboration. > How far could you push it for something like a shared set of documents, > e.g. a shared notebook on a project? Each node is considered elementary object. There are no files. But each node can be exported into a file. As it is database backed, it is already shared notebook. Each subtree can be considered Org file or Mixed-Object documents as defined by Engelbart institute. > How feasible would it be to access tables or src blocks in these if > they were in a database? Just as easy: - concurrent updates, additions and deletions are possible with the automated database backed version control (no thinking). - real time online collaborative editing is possible with `crdt' package for single entries - editing any entry, any node in the database can be done by any mode, not just Org mode. If I define the type of the node to be Org type, then editing switches to Org mode and I can edit the tables by using Org mode. When saved, table is saved in the database, but can be if user wish and want, be also each time saved into the file as full Org or single node. - src blocks I mostly constuct from SQL select statements, so they contain SQL, and I have implemented node with SQL, so I just put SQL statement there, it provides the report just as Org babel. It is not hard to implement any language and get literate programming functions. Similar node based editing is provided by Leo editor, also inspired by Org and other similar systems. Leo programmable editor http://leoeditor.com/ > or to build an agenda from entries in the database? It is simple to provide agenda from entries in the database then from entries in multiple Org files. - each elementary object can have assigned "ACTION" at my side. Each assignement of ACTION is recorded with date/time/username, each COMPLETED designation is also recorded, each removal of designation is also recorded. One can know in future which items were actionable in past and which items were completed in past or maybe completed and then again assigned as actionable. This is currently not a feature in Org file. One could know that by editing Org file with file system version control. Single user without file system version control cannot know if some headings had TODO in past and now they do not have it. - each item may be or may be not assigned to specific person. All people are in the database. So choice of people comes from the database itself. Assignment to specific person is recorded with date/time/username and deletion of assignment is recorded, modification is recorded automatically. This way it is possible to see which task was assigned to whom. - agenda thus may be managed centralized for many people, or by people decentralized. Tasks may sent to assigned person with keys like "s a", either one task, or all tasks at once. Reminders can be programmed with various communication lines, including automated phone calls, SMS, emails, faxes, letters or visual reminders on computer, or printouts for dispatch. - that allows collaborative based agenda, it is possible to list items assigned to person Joe, or person Jane, Joe may insert his own items, Jane may insert her own items, both Joe and Jane could see each other items, or finely grained permissions could be defined (database backed). Manager who is neither Joe or Jane could see all the items, regardless where users are located in the world. Access to the database could be through Org extensions, or through software I am making, or through other software from various devices. Software is independent of the database entries. Special table collects information such as SCHEDULED, DEADLINE, CLOCK-IN, CLOCK-OUT, ACTION, COMPLETED, ACTION-REMOVED. This table may add different other timestamps by their types. So each node can receive any of those timestamps. It is then trivial to add new timestamp or find the difference between CLOCK-IN, CLOCK-OUT, to list items by SCHEDULED or DEADLINES, or past DEADLINES. Your questions gave me to thinking that I should make some basic functions: - when editing Org mode, to easily insert database entry from Hyperscope system so that the entry can be edited in a file itself, and automatically updated in the database when file is saved, or special command invoked, or user switched to other heading - inserting of such item from database entry would make Org properties, such as HOSTNAME, DATABASE used, (username, passwords could be externally saved), TABLE, COLUMN in the table and TABLE ID. - then an extension function to Org would need to check if there is some database entry like that, so that saving of the file or invocation of that function finds the entry and updates it to the remote database. Database could be local or remote. - if another user on other part of the world wish to insert or edit that Org entry, that user would get the updated version With above extensions, user would still be editing file, it could be saved file, file on the disk, but the database entries would be updated either from the database or to the database in the background and without interruptions to user. Multiple users could then edit the Org files, which would get updated on each new opening of a file or the invocation of a function. This then limits entries to Org mode, while my entries are now in any mode. I have enriched mode notes or Org type notes in the database, or markdown nodes, or anything. When markdown note is viewed, markdown-mode is invoked, when Org type node is viewed in Emacs, then Org mode is invoked in read only mode. The list of defined nodes that I have now available are: Possible completions are: 1 File 10 Directory 11 Launch Program 12 Media 13 Info Node 14 PDF 15 HyperScope ID 16 PDF Query 17 Org Heading 18 Org 19 PDF by Page Nr. 2 WWW 20 DJVU 21 Video 22 Message-ID 23 WRS Page Annotation 24 Directory Action ➜ 25 Shell Command 26 Self 27 Action 29 FOLLOW-UP 3 MPV play video at exact time 30 aMule 31 Task 32 Password 33 PostgreSQL 34 Markdown 35 Paraset 36 Enriched 37 txt2tags 38 EPUB 4 Local File 5 Set ➜ 6 YouTube Video at exact time 7 YouTube Video 8 Emacs Lisp 9 Note There are no limits to what a node can look like. Each node can be a note in itself, even if it is a file, there can be note for the file, number 28. I have deleted not to confuse people. Password is maybe encrypted in the database, directory action has similar meaning like in Hyperbole package where file ~/tmp/.hyperscope may contain this: (hyperscope-directory-action 35243) and the node ID 35243 decides which directory actions relate to directory ~/tmp and then window splits with options from the database such as maybe to read some notes related to directory, or remove all docview directories or to remove all GIF files in ~/tmp - the idea comes from Hyperbole package that has similar feature. People in the database may be assigned specific subtrees or Org files or nodes, so by finding person one can find the notes, tasks, assignments, related to people. At export to Org file, those nodes that are not compatible to Org file such as Markdown, txt2tags, video, would be exported as separate file and such file would be hyperlinked from the main Org file similar to what is defined here: https://www.dougengelbart.org/content/view/110/460/#2a1b Complete exported package could then be dispatched onto DVD rom, USB stick, sent by email or uploaded. Org file can be used in similar fashion as MIME to define on higher level collection of various documents. As my goal is not to provide all features to users, but to use Hyperscope, that is why my development goes slow and is not yet available to public. I would need to verify many functions before it becomes public software. But for individuals interested, I am willing to help one on one to create the database and provide systems I am using. Jean