> Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> writes:

Uwe> Sorry, you misunderstood me, this time string, inserts the time string,
Uwe> when I execute the capture, but I want to extract the time string, when
Uwe> the message was received. This is why I used
Uwe> %:date
Uwe> in my first attempt, that works but inserts
Uwe> Tue, 2 Mar 2021 19:35:03 +0100
Uwe> Which I find way too long.
Uwe> Just
Uwe> Tue, 2 Mar 2021
Uwe> Would be fine or 02.03.2021
Uwe> But not the hour, seconds etc

> Capture templates allow inclusion of an arbitrary elisp expression with
> %(EXP). You could try defining an elisp function which accepts %:date as
> an argument (i.e. a string arg) and formats it using normal elisp date/time 
> functions and
> returns the result as a string and then call that function within your
> template?

Ah, ok now I see I will give it a try at the weekend.

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