I realize the wording before is bad. Here's a revamp:

How many global, persistent tags can you have with org-mode? I seem to have
org-tag-alist with its fast tag selection maxed out at 26. Is that the
limit for it, lower-case letters in the alphabet? I would like to have
potentially hundreds of tags as tags seem to be vaguely the same as a book
index. And I would like this large body of tags available globally. I see
there is an org-tag-persistent-alist but how does this differ from the
org-tag-alist? I suppose org-tag-persistent-alist can't have fast selection
keys? I realize, of course, you can simply make up any symbol, place it
within colons and there's your tag; but I'm looking for a way to have
persistent global tags by the hundreds.

On Thu, Feb 11, 2021 at 10:35 PM Galaxy Being <borg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> How many custom, self-made tags can you have with org-mode? org-tag-alist
> seems maxed out at 26. Is that the limit? On a heading, I can C-c C-c and a
> (helm?) buffer comes up with my 26 tag choices. So can you only create as
> many tags as there are lower-case letters in the alphabet. Is this true? I
> would like to have potentially hundreds of tags as tags seem to be vaguely
> the same as a book index.
> LB

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