On Apr 30, 2009, at 9:54 AM, Wei-Wei Guo wrote:

Dear all,

I want to make entries of my mum and dad's birthday by diary- anniversary. The problem is their birthday is in Lunar calender (Chinese calender) fashion. Diary has things like diary-julian-date, but I didn't find diary-chinese-something. Emacs calender support chinese calender, although its calculation of month is not right.

I don't know how to handle chinese dates, sorry.

Another question is how to set an entry of every Friday? I tried

  %%(diary-float t 5 t) Meeting.

Take a look at diary-cyclic, or use

<2009-04-30 Fri +1w>


- Carsten

It seems the last arg doesn't accept 't'.

Best wishes,

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