* Hongyi Zhao <hongyi.z...@gmail.com> [2020-12-29 07:55]:
> From this point of view, if we want to have both full-features and
> powerful capabilities in manipulating spreadsheet, it seems that only
> the python based programmatic tools/packages, say, openpyxl
> <https://openpyxl.readthedocs.io>, can meet the requirements
> currently.

What are you requirements?

- do you also use charts?

- do you personally use spreadsheet or multiple people have to enter

- how many rows do you enter over months, or years?

- are there complex formulas to be followed?

- if not secret, you can as well show the table of your data to see

Then people reading the mailing list may help you better with advise
how to proceed.

For some new data coming over and over again I will almost always use
a database to track it.

Example is weekly statistics, as that is something I may keep for
years in a database and see slices in various periods of times.

Another example of keeping it in the database are geological
coordinates like latitude and longitude that may have plethora of
various notations and geographic datums. Such coordinates can belong
to a set of coordinates and set of coordinates could be something like
a route or something like area. A route would be drawn differently and
linearly and area would be drawn differently, by connecting the begin
and end position.

Similar things may be accomplished with spreadsheets as well where
some columns can determine the type of the column with the drop down

Example of a cell of a spreadsheet with type-like+
  Column A              Column B                 +
 | Mr. Joe Doe       || From website    |
 +-------------------+| From poster     |
                      | By partner      |
                      | By radio        |

When you wish to determine a type for specific entry spreadsheet
programs do offer that, I just find it so much harder then using the
SQL database.

Once you explain your data entry and your need I will see if I can

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