cc-ing org-mode since this conversation went off-list and may be useful to
more people.

Wei-Wei Guo <> writes:

> Bernt Hansen 写道:
>> I have
>> (setq org-use-fast-todo-selection t)
>> so C-c C-t and t in the agenda displays the menu of todo keywords to
>> select and I can jump directly to any keyword.
> Thanks a lot!
> Only for your information. I find org-use-fast-todo-selection has no
> effect. C-c C-t works without it. Actually I don't find the variable
> in org mode manual.

In an org-mode file C-u C-c C-t and C-c C-t are switched by
org-fast-todo-selection IIRC.

> BTW, I set
> (setq org-agenda-custom-commands
>       '(("t" "Change item TODO sequnce."
>          ((org-todo)))
>         ))
> Then I can use the single key 't' instead of C-c C-t in the agenda view.

't' works for me in the agenda out of the box with no special


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