If you are extensively using Org's capture templates I suggest
taking a look at:
A brief summary of some of the benefits it provides:
- Allows capture template inheritance
- Checks for certain errors in template declarations *before*
- Automatically computes the keys for nested menus
- Makes per-template hooks/contexts easy to declare.
- Allows for storing custom metadata with templates which can be
used within templates
- Declarative: Your template declarations will be easier to
Taking the list of templates provided earlier as an example,
It could utilize nested menus/inheritance like so:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :lexical t
'( :group "Archaeology"
:file "~/histr/archaeol.org"
:template "* Site_Type: %?\n %T\n"
:children (("Research" :keys "r"
:children (("Bioarchaeological" :keys "b")
("Collections" :keys "c")
("Design/Data Recovery" :keys "d")
("Environment" :keys "e")
("Ethnographic" :keys "g")
("Ethnohistoric" :keys "h")
("Historic Eval/Testing" :keys "t")))
("Survey" :keys "s"
:children (("Architectural" :keys "a")
("Geophysical" :keys "g")
("Reconnaissance" :keys "r")
("Recovery/Excavation" :keys "R")))
("Consultation" :keys "c")
("Architectural Documentation" :keys "d")
("Site Stabilization" :keys "e")
("Ground Disturbance Monitoring" :keys "g")
("Heritage Management" :keys "h")
("Records Search/Inventory Checking" :keys "i")
("Methodology, Theory, Synthesis" :keys "m")
("Archaeological Overview" :keys "o")
("Remote Sensing" :keys "R")
("Site Stewardship Monitoring" :keys "d"))))
Each template inherits the :file and :template values.
The keys for the "Research" and "Survey" children templates are
computed by doct,
so changing the whole groups prefix key only requires a change on
the parent template's :keys.
I haven't demoed the custom metadata in this example as I don't
know your exact use case,
but there is an example in the documentation:
Hope this is useful for you.
~ Nick