1. Capture Option Selection

C-n, C-p, C-v work well and one can go through the capture menu easily.

Below the capture buffer, I am seeing another buffer that is displaying events
from the mouse (triple-mouse-1, down-mouse 5, ...) and keyboard (down up up, 
that ends getting bigger and bigger and bigger.

It is the buffer in which the user  enters the option.  It does get
bigger than one line, finally taking up most of the frame.  And the
user can do nothing about that - that is you cannot drog the mouse
to resize it.  Not being able to resize the window can become a very
big bother when using org-capture.

2. Problem with %^{prompt|default|completion2|completion3...}

Consider the following prompt template.  When I select "a", one gets

------- org-carture --------
* 7 Via Appia and Catacombs

  Investigation: %^{Investigation|...|Historic Background Research Site 
Evaluation or Testing|Systematic Survey Data Recovery or Excavation|Records 
Search or Inventory Checking|Site Stewardship Monitoring|Site 
Stabilization|Heritage Management|Environment Research|Reconnaissance or 
Survey|Methodology, Theory, or Synthesis|Collections 
Research|Consultation|Ethnographic Research|Research Design or Data Recovery 
Plan|Architectural Survey|Ethnohistoric Research|Ground Disturbance 
Monitoring|Geophysical Survey|Archaeological Overview|Bioarchaeological 
Research|Architectural Documentation|Remote Sensing}%?
-------- org-capture --------

If one has available the up and down arrows for traversing through the 
completion list, it is counter-productive
to show the full completion list for Investigation.  The situation becomes even 
more relevant when the completion
list is a long one.

  ("a" "Via Appia and Catacombs" entry
  (file "~/archaeol.org")

"Site: %^{Site|...|
      Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex|
      Resource Extraction or Production|
      Transportation Structure or Features|
      Funerary and Burial Structures or Features|
      Non-Domestic Structures|
      Archaeological Feature|
      Rock Art|

  Investigation: %^{Investigation|...|
  Historic Background Research Site Evaluation or Testing|
  Systematic Survey Data Recovery or Excavation|"
  Records Search or Inventory Checking|"
  Site Stewardship Monitoring|
  Site Stabilization|
  Heritage Management|
  Environment Research|
  Reconnaissance or Survey|
  Methodology, Theory, or Synthesis|
  Collections Research|
  Ethnographic Research|
  Research Design or Data Recovery Plan|
  Architectural Survey|
  Ethnohistoric Research|
  Ground Disturbance Monitoring|
  Geophysical Survey|
  Archaeological Overview|
  Bioarchaeological Research|
  Architectural Documentation|
  Remote Sensing}%?\n"

3 Default Completion Prompt

When the default consists of a long completion string, the long default is 
printed together with
default itself.  It could be useful to identify the default, however it should 
not be permanently
printed next to the prompt "Investigation [Historic Background Research Site 
Evaluation or Testing]:"

------- org-capture -------
Investigation [Historic Background Research Site Evaluation or Testing]: 
Historic Background Research Site Evaluation or Testing [No Matches]
------- org-capture -------

This is the capture template

 ("a" "Via Appia and Catacombs" entry
  (file "~/02histr/gadmin/archaeol/archaeol.rcl.org")
  "Investigation: %^{Investigation|Historic Background Research Site Evaluation 
or Testing|
  Systematic Survey Data Recovery or Excavation|Systematic Survey Data Recovery 
or Excavation|
  Records Search or Inventory Checking|Site Stewardship Monitoring|Site 
  Heritage Management|Environment Research|Reconnaissance or 
Survey|Methodology, Theory, or Synthesis|
  Collections Research|Consultation|Ethnographic Research|Research Design or 
Data Recovery Plan|
  Architectural Survey|Ethnohistoric Research|Ground Disturbance 
Monitoring|Geophysical Survey|
  Archaeological Overview|Bioarchaeological Research|Architectural 
Documentation|Remote Sensing}%?\n") )

> Sent: Monday, December 14, 2020 at 1:41 PM
> From: "Marco Wahl" <marcowahls...@gmail.com>
> To: pie...@caramail.com
> Cc: "Org-Mode mailing list" <emacs-orgmode@gnu.org>
> Subject: Re: Org Capture Menu cannot be fully viewed
> Hi Pietru and all,
> > When making a relatively long Org Capture Menu for Archaeological Field 
> > Management,
> > the relevant capture window cannot be scrolled down.  This becomes 
> > particularly
> > problematic with small field laptops.
> Thanks for reporting.
> I just committed a fix along the lines of the similar exporter-UI and
> the agenda chooser-UI. Now there is at least C-n, C-p, C-v when the
> window is too small for all the items.
> Unfortunately these similar UIs are not unified when looking at the code
> base. E.g. I could not find a simple way to add key M-v to scroll one
> page up for the capture menu.
> Possibly these UIs could be unified or Org could even switch to
> something different. I think you already discussed some ideas. Sorry if
> I did not read the whole thread. That was too much information for me.
> Would be great if you could check out the fix.
> Thanks and HTH,
> --
> Marco

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